Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Doors open at 5:45 p.m.—program begins at 6:30 p.m.
Couts United Methodist Church, 802 North Elm Street, Weatherford, 76086
$20 per person ‐ children under 18 Free
Join us for a fun exciting evening showcasing live cooking demonstrations with delicious
samples, recipes, cooking tips and learn how to prepare easy, nutritious and economical
meals at home.
Local agricultural commodities will be featured throughout the evening as we connect agricultural
production to health and nutrition. We will talk about the important role agriculture plays
in providing proper nutrition and dispel some common myths about the prodution of our food
supply. There will be great door prizes, vendors and healthy handouts.
To register or for more information contact:
Parker County Extension office at 817‐598‐6168