Certain foods can cause major problems with your drains by clogging them up. Keep your drains and your kitchen in tip top shape by remembering not to pour these things down the drain (even if you have a garbage disposal!):
Cooking Oils (this includes mayo and salad dressings that have a high oil content!)
- Butter and Margarine
- Grease and other Fats
- Egg Shells (look into composting these!)
- Coffee Grounds
- Pasta
- Rice
- Flour
- Produce Stickers
These ingredients may seem harmless but overtime they can get sticky and create residues and build up that can cause some serious havoc in your pipes! Keep your kitchen ready for healthy cooking with these tips!
For more information on composting check out this factsheet from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension ServiceĀ
Source: foodandwine.com