Dry ice keeps refrigerated and frozen items cooler longer. Whether you’re packing for a weekend camping trip, a week at the beach, a summertime picnic, and emergencies such as power outages, dry ice can enhance the way you pack your cooler. Follow these steps when packing to keep your cooler cold.
-When keeping foods COOL place dry ice in the bottom of the cooler. Cover dry ice with an insulating material such as newspaper or cardboard, then place food or cans on top.
-When keeping foods FROZEN place dry ice on top of items with an insulating material in between. Do not allow direct contact, freezer burn damage may result.
-Avoid direct contact with skin by using gloves, tongs or a towel. Dry ice can irritate skin if contact is made for more than 10 seconds.
-A standard cooler with 5-7 pounds of dry ice will last 18-24 hrs.
-When disposing of dry ice, allow adequate ventilation. Dry ice naturally evaporates into carbon dioxide. Place outdoors in a paper bag for evaporation to occur, it will disappear in a short time. Keep children and pets out of contact.
For more information on storing and using while in a power outage visit www.dryiceideas.com