How often have you made a recipe that called for lemon zest? Did the recipe have a little too much tang? Well in today’s tips and tricks, we show you how to zest lemons the right way.
Lemon zest is a great way to add a burst of lemon flavor to many of our favorite recipes. Here are a few tips to getting a great zest from a lemon!
First, wash lemons under cool running water and scrub the surface with a soft bristle vegetable brush.
Then using a rasp, grate just the skin of the lemon. Don’t over zest your lemons! The white pith of the lemon will result in your zest being bitter or too tangy!
If you plan on using the whole lemon in a recipe, always grate your lemon before you cut the lemon.
Zesting lemons is a good way to use most of your lemon in a recipe!