Onions are a staple in lots of recipes for their flavor adding abilities. They can be pureed, minced, diced, sliced, and are readily available at most any grocery stores. Learn more about these amazing flavorful & edible roots below.
Storage –
Onions are fully mature when their tops have fallen over. After pulling from the ground allow the onion to dry, clip the roots and cut the tops back to one inch. The key to preserving onions and to prevent bruising is to keep them cool, dry, and separated. In the refrigerator, wrapped separately in foil, onions can be preserved for as long as a year. The best way to store onions is in a mesh bag or nylon stocking. Place an onion in the bag and tie a knot or put a plastic tie between the onions and continue until the stocking is full. Loop the stocking over a rafter or nail in a cool dry building and when an onion is desired, simply clip off the bottom onion with a pair of scissors or remove the plastic tie. Another suggestion is to spread the onions out on a screen which will allow adequate ventilation, but remember to keep them from touching each other. As a general rule, the sweeter the onion, the higher the water content, and therefore the less shelf life. A more pungent onion will store longer so eat the sweet varieties first and save the more pungent onions for storage.
Store chopped onions in the refrigerator in a sealed back with the air removed for up to 5 days.
Did you know?
Onions is Texas’s leading vegetable crop.
Onions are a good source of Vitamin C, folic acid, and dietary fiber.
Onions contain quercetin, a flavonoid, an antioxidant compound that reduces free radicals in the body.
Onions can have blood sugar-lowering effects in humans.
Cleaning your Grill
Using wire brushes to clean your grill can lead to parts of the metal particulate being left on the grill, transferred to the items being grilled, and then ingested. This causes serious health problems. Instead of a wire brush, you can use an onion! Slice the onion in half and rub the flat edge along the grill as it’s heating up or while it’s cooling down. The acidity levels in the onion breaks down leftover food to clean the grill. Be sure to use tongs, grilling gloves, or other specially made tools to keep your hands safe from the hot grill.